Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Train wreck? Shmrain wreck.

Sometimes we don't do things in life because we are scared. Scared of failure. Scared of rejection. Scared of being a train wreck. You know, where people just stand around you while you lay on the floor in agony and they are all saying.. man, I am so glad that is not me! Look at how terribly she failed! (ok, I may be exaggerating here slightly). I have done this throughout my life with so many different things. Love, business, life. I have recently figured out that this is absolutely no way to live.  Sure, we may fail. Like MAJORLY fail. And that would pretty much suck. But what if we don't? What if you give life your all and you soar? What if you stop sitting back and just go for it? Say, you know what? I want a change. And sure, maybe making a big decision may mean that you will have to sacrifice in the beginning. But in the end, you will be so happy you did it. I don't know about you all, but this year I am going to change a lot in my life. I will no longer sit back and try and weigh out the pros and cons. I am going to go for my dream. And if I happen to fail. At least I failed doing something I love, rather then being mediocre at something I hate. 

This video below just reminds us that even if we fail HARD, there is always someone there to help you. And if it isn't you failing, maybe it is you helping that person along to not fail, but to get them through it. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww poor thing, what a great guy to help her out... they did beautiful!! But maybe next time ur asked to do something so wonderful, you should PRACTICE! LOL
