Friday, January 22, 2010

New Website Is Launched!!!

I can hardly breathe I am so excited. Neigh. Yes I just said neigh. I am more then excited. I am ecstatic! My beautiful website is finally ready to share with the world! And I have a very, very special and talented man to thank! Thank you thank you Jake Perlingos! For those of you who don't already know of his amazing work, I will be featuring Jake on my blog very soon!

Check out the new home at 

My blog will still be my main line of communication with you all, and you can either take a second and drag the web address into your favorites bar! Or you can access my blog from my website. Either way, I am not going anywhere so don't fear! Because I know you were having a panic attach about it. :)

This year is a huge year for me, and having this beautiful new website is just the start! Thanks Jake and enjoy peeps! I will be on cloud 9 for the next year or so! :)

Oh and here is a sneak peek of my newest shoot!


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