Monday, January 25, 2010

Kristy & Bailey - Ojai, Ca

So sometimes you have people in your life that are like mashed potatoes. Comfort food. They are the ones you go to when you are having a terrible day. When you feel like crying. When you just need to come home, throw on your sweats, curl up on the couch and eat something that makes you feel like a kid again. Not all the veggies you stock your fridge up with for your every day eating. Well.. Kristy is my mashed potato! :)

I have been friends with her for 15 years, lived with her for a couple and watched her son Bailey grow right before my eyes. So when I got the chance to take some photos of her and her son, I was so excited! 

We went to Ojai, Ca where the nature is just ridiculous and ended up at the beach right before the sun disappeared for a few fun sunset shots! I had such a blast with them and hope they had just as much fun! Thank you Kristy for being such an amazing friend! Here are a few of my faves from the day!


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