Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Am Getting Plastic Surgery!!!

Yep folks. I finally caved. After living in Los Angeles for so long, the pressure finally got me. I realized today that you can never be too young for plastic surgery. So I am getting a face lift. FOR MY BLOG!!! Buh dum dum! :)

It has been on my mind a lot lately. I need something that really showcases my work and personality, and because my business has grown so much more then I could have ever imagined, I had been too busy to really get in and do it.

Today, I was trying to change my blog's look and feel and bam. I deleted all of my changes and font and color, etc. So it looks like I am being forced to just go ahead and change it already.

Please bare with me the next few days until I am able to launch the new blog! I promise it will be worth the wait kiddos.  Thank you thank you thank you!! In the meantime.. be sure to check out my new website! CLICK HERE

Here is a picture from one of my favorite couples of the past!


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