Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving - The Act Of Giving Thanks


 As I scrambled around today, cleaning, editing, choosing songs for my new website and taking an online course for photography, I found myself stressed out a bit and very irritable. Then, as I was out running errands, I  saw a homeless man sitting on the side of a building. How cliche right? But truly, it hit me. I stopped and gave him the few bucks I had on me and got to talking to him. I saw him about a week back as well. I asked him if he needed blankets or anything. He looked at me after thinking for a moment and said.. well I have an amazing tent I sleep in and I am so warm at night and comfortable. I love this tent, I am so lucky. But I can pass the blankets on to friends who are in need.  Ummm, looks like I have some re-evaluating to do.

I drove away thinking, wow. I am a real pill. Here I am busy with all great things. Lucky to have a home to clean, lucky to have clients to allow me to make a living. Lucky to have a family so amazing. Where are my thanks? So I came back inside after being out and said a prayer of thanks. Thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I have so much love around me, and love so many people. I just wanted to take a minute to say to all of you, thank you so much for believing in me. Thank you to my first few clients for taking a chance on me, trusting me to capture the moments for you. And thank you to everyone who comes onto this blog and reads about my life, my work and my dreams! To end this without being too mushy, which I tend to do quite often, (I can't help it I am a big ol' sap) here are some definitions of Thanksgiving I found and liked!


1. The act of giving thanks
2. A prayer expressing gratitude
3. A public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And because I can't end it without a picture.. here is a photo that I just love from one of my latest sessions! I just love the yummy lighting.


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