Monday, November 16, 2009

The Prasuhns!

So last weekend I had the incredible chance to meet a really great family. The Prasuhns! Jon, Shannon and their two little ones Tyler and Brendan. Tyler just turned 3 and he had energy for days! He was so funny and such a little explorer. Brendan is a 1 year old with such a cute little personality and just a great smile. Our shoot was in Solana Beach, Ca at a ridiculous park. I say ridiculous because as soon as you drive into the entrance, you are taken into another world. It was nothing like San Diego.

Now don't get me wrong. I love San Diego. But this park felt as though we were in Virginia on a cool fall day! Couldn't be happier! Also, Shannon and her hubby Jon are two incredible people! Jon runs triathlons and Shannon runs marathons! Umm, can we say rock stars? I left their session wanting to improve my workout routine, and envious of their determination. Shannon is such a rock star that she ran a half marathon THREE MONTHS after having her baby. Now, THAT is a strong woman! :)

Jon and Shannon, thanks so much for the great time! I can't wait to see you guys again and hope it isn't too long before our next session!
