Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stop The Clocks!

Time. Time sure has a mind of it's own.  When you are needing to be somewhere at a certain time and rushing to get there, you hit traffic and each minute goes by faster and faster and before you know it, you are that wack-o in the car shouting out to yourself "COME ON!!!!.....SERIOUSLY!!!!" Or, when you have absolutely no where to be, and you are just driving, running some errands, the streets clear for you as if you are driving the red carpet.  Hhmmppff. It also works the same way with years.  When I was a little girl, I remember never really paying much attention to time. Unless it was the classroom clock. For the most part, I remember wishing time would hurry up so I could be older, could drive, be an adult. Every year was something. When I was 9 I wanted to be 10 so I could say I was a "pre-teen". ( I wish I was kidding ha!) When I was 12 I wanted to be 16 so I could drive. When I was 16 I wanted to be 18 and be considered an adult. Then 21 for the obvious reasons :). Then at 25, I think that is when I realized that all of this was going by so fast. And now, I can say I finally understand what my parents were talking about when they would say.. "Nikki, for my birthday present, will you just stop growing. Stay this age forever!"

Because we only have this one life. As I get older, each day goes faster, each season comes upon me quicker, and each year goes by much more swiftly. I find myself taking mental pictures of moments in my life. My Dad's smile, my brother's eyes, my friends and their funny unique expressions, my mom's beauty. I think this very thing is what drives me, and why I am so passionate about pictures.  Because we have no control over time. Over our family and friends aging. Over how long we are here. But pictures stop time. They take a moment. The way your husband looks at you. The way your child has that innocence in his eye. The way you are feeling in that very moment. And they allow you to never forget.  And this folks, is what I get to do! :) Have a fantastic day everyone! I am in for a busy couple of months, so there will be LOT'S of new posts coming. Be sure to keep checking. Oh and if you would like pricing information, or would like to book a session, contact me at 

This picture below is from a family you  may remember me posting about, the Alvarado's. And this picture makes me laugh!! If this doesn't capture a moment, I don't know what does! Ha!


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