Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Prosch's

It was one of those days. As I woke up that morning, I realized I had some kind of allergic reaction to something and started sneezing away. I then went to burn a disc for a client and when I was already running late, realized that I bought DVD's instead of CD's. Finally, when I got to the beach a bit early, ready for the shoot, I went out to test the lighting. As I looked back, I saw a grown man coming out of the water from a surf session walk over to where I left my sandals sitting on a rock and take them. What?? Why would a man steal my ladies reef sandals? So, that is how my day was going before the Prosch's arrived.

However, as soon as I saw them coming down the old wooden staircase to the beach, my day turned around. Katharine's smile is infectious. Hans' cool collective attitude instantly soothed me and watching their 3 year old Gavin run around with joy at the mere sight of the ocean, gave me a reality check of why I was here in the first place! Because I love what I do! 

Gavin was a great kid, and the way he looks at his parents is the sweetest thing. He is all about his mom and dad. To him, they are HIS. He stakes his claim on them in so many of the pictures, with pride simply oozing from his face. This family really made me forget that I was not there to hang out with them, but to work! As our session went on, and I looked through my lens, I forgot all my worries of the busy day, and felt a calmness. This session was amazing in so many ways, and I hope that they had just as much fun as I did! Thank you Prosch family! Have a great Thanksgiving in Las Vegas!


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