Sunday, November 29, 2009
To Come....
I will be posting more of these near the end of the week. But I just had to post one now. Kari, I am in love with your photos. One word to sum you and Jay up. FABULOUS. I can't wait to finish and send your way! Until then... enjoy!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving - The Act Of Giving Thanks
As I scrambled around today, cleaning, editing, choosing songs for my new website and taking an online course for photography, I found myself stressed out a bit and very irritable. Then, as I was out running errands, I saw a homeless man sitting on the side of a building. How cliche right? But truly, it hit me. I stopped and gave him the few bucks I had on me and got to talking to him. I saw him about a week back as well. I asked him if he needed blankets or anything. He looked at me after thinking for a moment and said.. well I have an amazing tent I sleep in and I am so warm at night and comfortable. I love this tent, I am so lucky. But I can pass the blankets on to friends who are in need. Ummm, looks like I have some re-evaluating to do.
I drove away thinking, wow. I am a real pill. Here I am busy with all great things. Lucky to have a home to clean, lucky to have clients to allow me to make a living. Lucky to have a family so amazing. Where are my thanks? So I came back inside after being out and said a prayer of thanks. Thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I have so much love around me, and love so many people. I just wanted to take a minute to say to all of you, thank you so much for believing in me. Thank you to my first few clients for taking a chance on me, trusting me to capture the moments for you. And thank you to everyone who comes onto this blog and reads about my life, my work and my dreams! To end this without being too mushy, which I tend to do quite often, (I can't help it I am a big ol' sap) here are some definitions of Thanksgiving I found and liked!
1. The act of giving thanks
2. A prayer expressing gratitude
3. A public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And because I can't end it without a picture.. here is a photo that I just love from one of my latest sessions! I just love the yummy lighting.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Noe's
Peace. Calm. Joy. Warm. Perfection. These are all words that come to my mind when I look at pictures of the Noe family. They make me want a cup of hot apple cider, a fireplace and a rainy day. I don't know what it is about their pictures that make me feel this way, but I like it. I had such a great time with Lacey and Bryn. They are such a great couple, and have so much fun together. They are funny, and just easy with each other. But the best part of Lacey and Bryn is Mayson. Mayson makes me happy. Playing with her, hearing her laugh and just simply looking at her. With her gorgeous red hair, big deep blue eyes and quirky smile you can't help but smile.
And Lacey, if you keep bringing her to her sessions in ridiculously adorable outfits, I am not going to be able to do my job because I will be melted into a big pool on the floor. I love your family and can't wait till our next session!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Shawn & Shannon...L.A.'s Next Top Model...Engagement Session
So yeah, there are many problems in the world. And many problems in our lives that we have to try and fix or solve. Sometimes we are able to do this, and sometimes it is just out of our hands. Well, this post is one of those out of my hands situations. Only my problem is which photos do I post when I love every single on of them!??
Shawn and Shannon are two beautiful models! Okay, not professionally, but they should be! I had so much fun with them on our shoot and can't believe how much I love these photos! Shannon is a natural and looked fabulous even when she wasn't trying to. And Shawn, you would NEVER be able to tell that he doesn't model for Calvin Klein as a day job! He did so well with being easy going. We all drove together and jumped out of the car whenever I saw something cool to shoot at. The whole time I am yelling from the backseat.. Okay stop the car! Umm okay, never mind, no good. Keep going. OOOH wow stop! Get out. Okay lets go now. ha ha And he was such a trooper.
Shawn and Shannon, I am so happy for your life together and you two just re-establish the fact that love can be found when you are not looking. And sometimes, it is right in front of your face and you don't even know it! Can't wait to see you when you get back from your fabulous wedding in Maui! I couldn't narrow the pictures down, it just felt wrong. ha! So enjoy!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Prosch's
It was one of those days. As I woke up that morning, I realized I had some kind of allergic reaction to something and started sneezing away. I then went to burn a disc for a client and when I was already running late, realized that I bought DVD's instead of CD's. Finally, when I got to the beach a bit early, ready for the shoot, I went out to test the lighting. As I looked back, I saw a grown man coming out of the water from a surf session walk over to where I left my sandals sitting on a rock and take them. What?? Why would a man steal my ladies reef sandals? So, that is how my day was going before the Prosch's arrived.
However, as soon as I saw them coming down the old wooden staircase to the beach, my day turned around. Katharine's smile is infectious. Hans' cool collective attitude instantly soothed me and watching their 3 year old Gavin run around with joy at the mere sight of the ocean, gave me a reality check of why I was here in the first place! Because I love what I do!
Gavin was a great kid, and the way he looks at his parents is the sweetest thing. He is all about his mom and dad. To him, they are HIS. He stakes his claim on them in so many of the pictures, with pride simply oozing from his face. This family really made me forget that I was not there to hang out with them, but to work! As our session went on, and I looked through my lens, I forgot all my worries of the busy day, and felt a calmness. This session was amazing in so many ways, and I hope that they had just as much fun as I did! Thank you Prosch family! Have a great Thanksgiving in Las Vegas!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Johnson's
Sometimes I feel like my job is awesome. Well, okay, all the time I feel like my job is awesome. Sure I may be so busy right now that there are moments when I look at my calendar and think.. ummm.. how am I going to pull ALL of this off? But I get through it eventually and think.. okay it wasn't so hard, and boy was it worth it!
Today is one of those days. I finished the session for the Johnson's and looked at the pictures, and sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction. I just love them! They are not my typical clients, they are family! My cousin Shannon has two gorgeous amazing kids. Tevin, who is a senior in high school, and Michelle who is in 7th grade! When you look at these pictures, I am sure you will be thinking the same thing as me. How??? She looks amazing and young and her kids are just as beautiful! I love this family so much! Here are some pictures from our session. Enjoy!
The Prasuhns!
So last weekend I had the incredible chance to meet a really great family. The Prasuhns! Jon, Shannon and their two little ones Tyler and Brendan. Tyler just turned 3 and he had energy for days! He was so funny and such a little explorer. Brendan is a 1 year old with such a cute little personality and just a great smile. Our shoot was in Solana Beach, Ca at a ridiculous park. I say ridiculous because as soon as you drive into the entrance, you are taken into another world. It was nothing like San Diego.
Now don't get me wrong. I love San Diego. But this park felt as though we were in Virginia on a cool fall day! Couldn't be happier! Also, Shannon and her hubby Jon are two incredible people! Jon runs triathlons and Shannon runs marathons! Umm, can we say rock stars? I left their session wanting to improve my workout routine, and envious of their determination. Shannon is such a rock star that she ran a half marathon THREE MONTHS after having her baby. Now, THAT is a strong woman! :)
Jon and Shannon, thanks so much for the great time! I can't wait to see you guys again and hope it isn't too long before our next session!
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