Friday, September 11, 2009


So as most of you now know, and if you didn't then you do now, I am truly leaning towards focusing on wedding, and engagements! I have been so fortunate and have already booked a few weddings for this next upcoming year! So, what I have decided to do is an inspiration board! I am in the process of creating it and am having so much fun getting fresh new ideas for couples! I want my couple to not only feel like they are totally comfortable with me, but to feel like they just stepped off the latest fashion shoot! Only not a high fashion (crazed hair and restricting clothing fashion) shoot. But a natural, earthy, yet still classy and quirky, let their love and personalities shine through, kind of photo shoot. Does that make sense?? Probably not! Ha! I am ready for the next level, and I want my couple's to be ready for the ride! I have so many ideas, fresh takes on their look, and inspiration from everything around me!

 Life is inspiring, and I want it to show through my work! Have a great night! It is late and I am off to dream about my next few sessions!

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