Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Hothans.... round 2!

Okay, so you may remember my post from the Hothan's first session and how we lost light before we could finish our shoot! So... I was able to have a "round 2" so to say, and the kids were just too delicious! In Nicole world that means ADORABLE! Jessica, their mom has such a beautiful spirit. She is kind, warm, quiet (well compared to me, so in that case 90% of people are quiet ha!) and so gentle and patient with her kids. When they asked her "Mommy... come run with me! Mommy, let's play hide and seek! Mommy, I am itchy from the grass!" She ran, hid and wiped their scratchy knees with a wet wipe. They are a sweet family and these are the moments when I look back  and say, 'Wow, I just got paid to hang out with great people!" Thank you Chuck and Jessica! You have an amazing family and your kids are so well behaved and such free spirits! I am so glad Cristina hooked us up! Here are a few from our shoot!

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