Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Home. Head. Health. Hips.

I have a confession. I watch Oprah. Yes, I said it. And not only do I watch Oprah, I love Dr. Oz. Actually, I usually only watch Oprah now-a-days if Dr. Oz is on it. So while I was watching a re-run the other day, there was a guest speaker on with Dr. Oz. They were talking about clutter in the home and how it can effect your health. And the speaker who was talking about all of this was Peter Walsh. Now, I know nothing about Peter Walsh, except for that he has a slogan which struck me like lightning. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about it and how it just makes so much sense.

Home. Head. Health. Hips.

Basically, how it is all connected. Your home is your environment in which you live in. So it should be an environment in which you are happy, clear minded and reflect what makes you happy. Then that leads to your head. In a nice environment, you are able to focus on the things important to you and clear your mind, rather then be surrounded by clutter, and having to think about that. Then this leads to your health. If you are not able to focus and have a clear mind, this can effect your health. Can be stressful to you and overwhelming. Which in the end leads to our hips. Ha! Stress and being overwhelmed causes us to gain weight!

Genius right!? So it is my motto at the moment. I decided I need a schedule and to be organized in my life. Creating your own schedule can be overwhelming when there is so much to do. To be frank, I don't know how you mommies do it! You are all my heroes, every mom out there! I often find myself staying up all hours of the night to finish editing a session, then being too tired and waking up later then I would like. Then my eating schedule and work schedule kind of go wacky!

So I am making some major changes in my daily schedule. I hope it inspires some of you to try it out as well! Unless you are like my friend Sarah Sheehan who is schedule queen and always seems to be put together! Then, well, I guess you could be laughing at how much of a production it is for me to stay organized. HA! Here are some pictures of my organization!

My Awesome Chalkboard with my schedule:

My Inspiration Board:

My brother Billy at my nifty workspace

Billy being creeped out by me taking random pictures of him! :)

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