Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Tide Is High and I'm Movin On...

So it happened. I knew that someday it was bound. That every shoot couldn't possibly go so smoothly. That I couldn't be the only one without some crazy story. Well, now I have it! I had a beach shoot that day, so I decided to get there a little early and check out the beach, the lighting, etc. As I pull into Swami's Beach in Encinitas, Ca...I see a crowd of people pointing down to the beach and oohing and ahhing. My mind instantly went into a race. What happened? As I get out of my car and jog over, I see something so terrible it made me want to cry. No, not a terrible crime scene. Even worse. NO BEACH!!! Ummm what?? Apparently the full moon decided to go extra crazy and pull the tide in so high that there was not an ounce of dry sand anywhere. Go figure, I had this family with 2 twin boys, a toddler, the parents AND two German Shepards who wanted to shoot on the beach. Yeah, I was basically helpless.

So as the Jordan gang pulled up in their car I had to stop them from unloading and we all drove down the coast a little ways to try and find a beach not completely submerged! After lot's of walking,  searching and me freaking out in my head, we found a spot! Thanks to Burl, Annie's husband, we found the one spot that was open! I felt relief like I can't remember! So, thank you so much Jordan family for being so amazing, calm and collective and for being so sweet! You made me realize that sometimes things may not go as planned, but when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!

Have a fantastic holiday and can't wait till our next session! Where I am sure it will be a much easier time. :)


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