Friday, October 23, 2009


Love is something that is forever changing. I used to think that Love simply meant Boy meets girl, falls in love, lives happily ever after. But the older I get, and the more I really take in the world around me, I realize Love is in so many things. Yes, the most well known meaning of the word is the romantic kind of love. But it is everywhere. It's in the way your baby looks at you with complete innocence and dependency. It's the way a child watches his Dad getting ready for work and wants desperately to be him when he grows older.  It's the way your other half can see what you are thinking and feeling and without you having to say a word, just knows. It's the way your dog greets you as if you were the king of the world after a long day out. It's how you treat people as you go about your day. treat thy neighbor as thyself" (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 19:19, Matthew 22:39) It is not judging and casting stones when we ourselves live in glass houses, but instead trying to understand and show them love through your actions. There are so many ways to love and be loved. I know this blog may seem like another "oh gosh, Nicole has gone all philosophical on us again?!" or "Did somebody wake up and drink the positivity juice??" ha ha 

But really, we are all loved. And because we are fortunate enough, I hope you get a chance to do something good for someone today! Whether you are blessed with an amazing family, or you have a great group of friends who you have made your family, make sure they know they are loved today! Love you all and follow your dreams! 

Oh, below is a picture of my parents on their wedding day! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

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