This year, 2009, has been one to remember. I started this year off so unsure of what was to come. I quit my fantastic job, moved back from Italy and didn't know where I was supposed to go and what it was I was meant to do. I just knew that working in a cubicle, indoors with a boss screaming at me to hit my quota, was NOT it. I sat and thought about this for quite a few months. I decided that I would sit back and just allow myself to be taken down the road that I was meant to be on. Let God show me where to go. And once I realized I was no longer in control, it was as if a whole new world opened up to me.
If you know me, you probably know that I am a free spirit. I love change, I am happy, I laugh ridiculously loud, and all I have ever wanted to do is find something I love and to have a job that allowed me to help people. It has been this deep seeded need for me to be able to do something good for the world since I can remember. Honestly, I have nearly joined the Peace Corp maybe 3 times the past few years ha ha! Anyway, I now have that. A least my own version. I have been given this amazing opportunity to work with people, make them feel good and capture a little piece of their soul for them to keep forever. It is a job where I can volunteer my time and rad skills (kidding) and give back to people. I make my own schedule and hopefully within the next few years, will be able to go to Africa like I have always dreamed and help with whatever I can. I can not even express how happy this makes me inside. It is as if a little part of my soul has been missing all my life, and I finally found it. I can now breathe.
I can not believe how fast my business has grown and how incredible the people in my life have been. I love my friends and family more then they will probably ever know, and know that I am so blessed to have everyone's support.
I hope I haven't bored you with all of this, but I thought sharing a piece of me and where I have been would give you a better feeling of who I am. I have some fantastic weddings this next year and if it goes as planned, will book many more! I look forward to all of the beautiful surprises in store for me. You never know what's around the corner, and this is never truer then starting a new year! So..... here are my Hopes, Dreams and Wishes for 2010:
Hopes: I hope that you all stay open to what is to come. Every passing minute is a second chance, and a moment to change. May we all change ourselves for the better this new year.
Dreams:May we dream bigger then we have ever dreamt before. The world is ours, this is our one life, lets not sit around wishing and wanting. Let's do.
Wishes: I wish for us all to breathe. Sometimes circumstances or situations cause us to stress out and worry. Sometimes I find myself not really "breathing". I wish for us all to take time out this year to get away from everything in our lives that cause us to stress, and just take a deep breathe, then start all over again.
I will be in Lake Tahoe ringing in the new year with friends so I won't be updating my blog until I return! So Happy New Year everyone! See you in 2010!!!
Here is a sneak peak for what is to come!